Staff and Consultants Draft Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

On March 18, 2024, City Council directed staff to prepare a Draft Specific Plan that incorporates development scenarios 1 and 3 as options. This would allow for housing to be developed on either side of Moraga, but require that all housing (both affordable and market rate) is on the same side of the road.

The project team is currently preparing the Draft Specific Plan based on this direction. We expect to publish the Draft Specific Plan for review and comment in late 2024.

As part of the Specific Plan process, the City will seek proposals from developers and subsequently select and negotiate an agreement with a developer to build and operate the housing.

Previous Updates

Moraga Canyon Specific Plan on Monday, March 18 

The City Council is expected to provide direction on development priorities for the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan at their regular meeting on Monday, March 18. This direction will provide a framework for future development of City-owned land in Moraga Canyon, defining a long-term vision for bringing new housing – including affordable housing – to the area. As part of the Specific Plan process, the City will seek proposals from developers and subsequently select and negotiate an agreement with a developer to build and operate the housing. For the Specific Plan and RFP process to identify a developer, the Council is expected to provide direction on March 18 that prioritizes:

• Building both market-rate and affordable housing together, using an integrated design and location to create a cohesive neighborhood.

• Housing that will accommodate more families (2+ bedroom residences).

• Allowing up to 199 total potential units of new housing, rather than the previously anticipated 132, in order to provide more funding for community amenities.

• Roadway improvements that will enhance pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

• Improved recreation, including under-14 soccer and youth baseball / softball fields.

The final plan is not expected to:

• Identify a single preferred site for housing development. Instead, it would allow for housing to be built on either the north or south side of Moraga Ave, so long as all housing is grouped together.

• Require significant infrastructure investment before new housing could be built, such as a new City corporation yard.

• Require a new skate park. Instead, the plan would seek opportunities to have facilities identified as higher priorities by community members, such as a dog park, playground, and/or a pickleball court.

Once the Council provides direction, the project team will begin preparation of the Specific Plan. The draft Specific Plan is expected to return to City Council for review during the summer, with the final plan expected in Fall 2024.

For information, please visit the City of Piedmont website:

Meeting Materials: Moraga Canyon Specific Plan

The City Council held a study session on the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan on Friday, March 1, 2024, at 801 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont.

City Council Public Hearing

On Tuesday, February 20, 2024, the Piedmont City Council will hold a public hearing in the City Council Chambers at 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA, to consider draft amendments to the General Plan and City Code and certification of the 2023-2031 Housing Element Implementation EIR, as well as required CEQA findings, a statement of overriding considerations, and a mitigation monitoring and reporting program. The staff report, agenda, and public hearing notice are provided in Upcoming Events and by clicking here.

Meeting Materials: Moraga Canyon Specific Plan City Council Study Session

Download meeting materials from the January 22nd City Council study session on the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan:

Housing Element Implementation Project: Planning Commission Public Hearing

On January 29, 2024, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider measures to implement Piedmont’s 6th cycle Housing Element – amendments to the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Housing Element implementation.

Planning Commission: Monday, January 29th, 5:30pm (Agenda | Staff Report)
Piedmont City Hall, 120 Vista Avenue

The proposed revisions will make the Zoning Ordinance and the General Plan consistent with the programs outlined in the Housing Element, which the City Council adopted in March 2023 and the California Department of Housing and Community Development found to be in substantial compliance in November.

The public hearing offers an opportunity for community members to better understand proposed implementation measures, and for the Planning Commission to discuss these steps in detail before the City Council considers adoption, which is anticipated for February 2024. Community members can watch and provide comment in writing before the meeting or verbally in-person or via Zoom (link in the agenda, to be published January 12, 2024).

Planning staff previously presented information on these implementation measures at the October, November, and December 2023 and January 8, 2024 Planning Commission meetings and November 20, 2023 and December 18, 2023 City Council meetings. Click here to view the Draft General Plan Amendments and Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). Click here to view the staff report.

Moraga Canyon Specific Plan: City Council study session

The City Council will hold a study session on the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan on Monday, January 22nd:

City Council Study Session: Moraga Canyon Specific Plan
Monday, January 22nd, 6pm
Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue
Agenda | Staff Report

At the study session, the Council will receive information on site conditions, community engagement, the four development scenarios the team has developed, and fiscal and feasibility studies and will begin a discussion to identify priorities that will inform a draft specific plan. The discussion is expected to focus on:

  • feasibility and fiscal impacts of each scenario

  • which potential site improvements are most important to include

  • what amenities (soccer field, skate spot, scenic trails) are essential to include

The final concept plan selected by the City Council will most likely be a hybrid of the four options, combining features from multiple scenarios. Formal action to identify priorities is tentatively scheduled for a special City Council meeting on February 26, 2024.

Community members are encouraged to attend and provide comment.

Meeting Materials: Moraga Canyon Specific Plan Community Workshop

Download meeting materials from the November 30th Moraga Canyon Specific Plan community workshop:

EIR for Housing Element Implementation

The City of Piedmont published the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the implementation of City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element for public review and comment on January 12, 2024. The Housing Element Implementation EIR consists of the Draft EIR and the Final EIR, combined. The Final EIR and Draft EIR, as well as all appendices are available for review at City Hall (120 Vista Avenue) or for download on this website:

Written public comments were due on December 18, 2023.

Moraga Canyon Specific Plan Update

The City of Piedmont has begun work on the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan. This initiative will study all City-owned land in Moraga Canyon, including Blair Park, Coaches Field, Kennelly Skate Park, and the City’s Corporation Yard.

The goal of the planning process is to create a detailed plan for how to:

  • maintain and improve existing City facilities, open space, and recreational amenities in the area

  • improve traffic and wildfire safety, and

  • incorporate 132 units of new housing, 60 of which would be reserved for lower income households.

Visit the Moraga Canyon Specific Plan page to learn more about the project and how community members can participate in the planning process, including a Community Workshop on Thursday,  November 30, 2023. 

Revised Housing Element

The City submitted a revised 6th Cycle Housing Element to HCD for review on Friday, September 8. HCD found the Piedmont Housing Element to be in substantial conformance with Housing Element law on November 9, 2023. Revisions are shown in track changes in the amended document at the following link:

HCD Comments on Draft Housing Element on May 23, 2023

The City of Piedmont received additional comments on its 6th Cycle Housing Element from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on Tuesday, May 23rd, at the conclusion of the State’s 60-day review period:

The May 23rd letter confirms the City has made substantial progress since first receiving written comments on February 16, 2023. State reviewers are requesting the City provide additional analysis regarding housing mobility, affordability, and the likelihood of development on certain sites, as well as additional detail on the timing of some milestones. As in the previous review cycle, HCD did not identify major structural issues or call for significant redirection of the City’s plans.

City Submits Revised Housing Element to HCD

On May 9, 2023, the City of Piedmont submitted revisions to the adopted 6th Cycle Housing Element in response to interim comments from the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Public comments on the revised Housing Element, dated May 2023, are being accepted from May 10, 2023 to May 17, 2023, at

The City Council adopted the City’s 6th Cycle Housing Element and adopted the accompanying Initial Study-Negative Declaration (IS-ND) at a public hearing at their regular meeting on Monday, March 20th. The revised Draft Housing Element, dated March 2023, the presentation, and full agenda packet for the March 20th Council meeting are available for download at the links below. Revisions from the previously submitted draft Housing Element are shown in track changes.

Community members had 7 days from March 17, 2023 to provide comments on the revised Housing Element by emailing After the 7-day comment period ended, the City submitted the document to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a second, 60-day HCD review period.

HCD Comments on Draft Housing Element on February 16, 2023

The City of Piedmont received written comments on its proposed Housing Element from the California Department of Housing and Communication Development (HCD) on Thursday, February 16, 2023, following the conclusion of the State’s 90-day review period.

Planning Commission Recommends Adoption

On January 12, 2023, the Planning Commission held a special meeting and public hearing and unanimously recommended that the City Council adopt the 6th Cycle Housing Element for 2023-2031.

Draft Housing Element Submitted on November 18, 2022

On November 18, 2022, City staff sent the Draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to start its 90-day review. The 90-day review period concludes on February 16, 2023. Staff will bring the Housing Element to City Council for adoption after the 90-day review period concludes on February 16, 2023.

On November 15, 2022, the City Council authorized staff to submit the City’s Draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development for review at a special meeting of the Piedmont City Council.

About Piedmont is Home

The Piedmont is Home website is a clearinghouse for information about new housing policy in Piedmont and Housing Element project updates, as well as interactive ways to participate in the public engagement for these City initiatives.

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